Different Types of Anxiety

Different Types of Anxiety

Chronic pain and anxiety connect. Few people understand this. That said, there isn’t just one type of anxiety. In fact, there are many different types of anxiety.

It’s Not the Same as Nervousness

Have friends or family members told you to get over it? Do they say that you’re just nervous? Almost all therapists at Tennessee anxiety treatment centers routinely see people who think they should be more robust. However, their conditions are genuine and have painful symptoms.

Three Different Types of Anxiety

Man on park bench with hands to head worried about the different types of anxiety he is experiencingDepending on whom you ask, there are multiple forms of this condition. That said, most agencies agree on the top three. They are:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder, which is a chronic condition that exaggerates tension even in normal settings
  • Panic disorder that results in sudden feelings of unexplainable fear with mental and physical manifestations
  • Social anxiety disorder as a condition on a spectrum that involves interactions with others in a broad range of settings

Some also include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) into this mix. This is the condition you most commonly associate with combat veterans returning home. Besides that demographic, it can happen to anyone who survived a traumatic situation or witnessed it. Typical symptoms include intrusive emotions and unwelcome thoughts.

Letting Anxiety Go without Treatment is Destructive

Many people suffering from different types of anxiety self-medicate. Frequently, this refers to the abuse of drugs or alcohol. Rather than helping them in the long run, self-medicating can lead to chemical dependency. This person now struggles with anxiety as well as addiction.

Besides that, there’s the pain component. Anxiety can lead to the development of chronic pain. Occasionally, it’s difficult to tell if the mental health disorder led to the pain situation or vice versa. Cases in point are arthritis, migraines, and back pain.

All of these pain conditions have physical symptoms and causes. Similarly, they can also lead back to anxiety. Therefore, it’s vital to receive care for both conditions. Moreover, if you’ve been self-medicating, it’s wise to seek help for substance abuse, too.

How Treatment Works

You work with experts in the field of mental health treatment and chronic pain management. They customize a treatment protocol for you. Possible modalities include:

  • Fast new patient appointments that fit into your schedule
  • Outpatient drug detox to help with any substance abuse problems you might have developed
  • In-office pain management training and procedures that seek to restore physical wellness
  • Consultations between various disciplines to ensure that your care protocol is on the right track
  • Emphasis on whole-person care that takes you from where you are right now and helps you achieve a healthier life

This treatment doesn’t offer success overnight. Most importantly, you must consider yourself an integral part of the care team. Your input, direction, and needs are at the forefront of the treatment plan development. Therefore, it’s vital that you communicate honestly and immediately when something works – or not.

Learn more about the different types of anxiety and how to manage them successfully. Don’t keep suffering in silence. Therapists at the Encore Health Group want to help. Make an appointment today to schedule a visit with our experts.

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