What to Expect From Acupuncture

Learn What to Expect From Acupuncture and How It Can Help You

What To Expect From Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine, centuries old, that involves inserting very thin needles into your skin for healing purposes. It can put your “chi” or energy back into balance and successfully treat or heal your condition.

What To Expect From Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine, centuries old, that involves inserting very thin needles into your skin for healing purposes. It can put your “chi” or energy back into balance and successfully treat or heal your condition. Western medicine has come to believe that acupuncture can help in many cases with conditions that traditional medical doctors have not been able to cure or even treat with success. As far as what to expect from acupuncture, every person does not require the same treatment, nor do they react in the same way to acupuncture.

There are some basics that apply to everyone. Acupuncture needles will pierce the pressure points related to the area you want to treat. The needles penetrate to a prescribed depth and gently twist as needed to treat your issue.

Conditions That Acupuncture Can Relieve

Acupuncture can help to treat a variety of physical, psychological and physiological problems. Acupuncture might help you manage pain in your neck or back or relieve arthritis or migraines. You can use it to treat asthma, myopia, carpal tunnel and some gynecological issues. Physiological as well as psychological conditions you can treat with acupuncture include anxiety, PTSD, obesity, and various addictions. The length of your treatment and the number of appointments necessary will depend on your diagnosis. If you have had pain in your shoulder for two months, the pain will probably resolve relatively quickly.

You also need to consider the reason for the pain. Did you pull a muscle, or is your discomfort psychosomatic? it may be necessary to use some relaxation methods along with the acupuncture for your shoulder pain to go away completely. If you are receiving treatment for an addiction that you have carried for years, the treatment would be longer and likely involve ongoing counseling.

How to Prepare for and What to Expect From Acupuncture

Once you have decided that you would like to try acupuncture in Tennessee, you may wonder what to do next. What to expect from acupuncture appointments will probably depend on your schedule and that of the acupuncturist. For the first appointment, there are a few things that will make it go more smoothly. If you haven’t read anything on the subject before your appointment, learning about acupuncture and its history and beliefs may help you feel at ease. It will also give you a chance to cancel your appointment if you decide it’s not for you after all.

You might want to research your acupuncturist as well. It’s important that you trust her and her knowledge of acupuncture. Knowing what to expect can help remove fears you might have. If you haven’t checked with your insurance company to make sure it covers your treatment, do so beforehand.

Try to refrain from using caffeine before your appointment. Eat a light, healthy breakfast or lunch before your appointment but not within two hours of it. Bring a list of any medications, vitamins and supplements you take so that the acupuncturist can make it part of your acupuncture record. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that will allow for easy movement when necessary.

Contact Encore Health Group

When you are ready to try acupuncture, we are available to help you any way we can. Please contact Encore Health Group and we will be happy to discuss your options for managing your pain.


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