Depression And Alcohol

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According to medical sources, nearly 30 percent of people who suffer from major depression also have a drinking problem.In fact, depression and alcohol are quite common for both men and women, although women are more likely to drink heavily if they have a history of depression.

People may wonder if depression causes alcoholism or if drinking problems cause depression. These are excellent questions, and while the answers may not be simple, they are worth exploring. Encore Health Group is here to help you learn more information about the relationship between depression and alcohol.

Depression And Alcohol

If you are struggling with depression and alcohol addiction, you may not remember which problem came first. It may seem like a blur where everything runs together. In some cases, depression leads to excessive drinking. Because of the overwhelming sadness and depression, people turn to alcohol to numb their feelings. Over time, the drinking becomes more prevalent and the person ends up with an alcohol use disorder.

On the other hand, depression and alcohol may work the other way around, and alcohol can lead to depression. Alcohol is a depressant, so it can bring your whole system down, making you feel depressed. In addition, alcohol can change the brain if you drink a significant amount.

Finally, when people engage in drinking, they often make poor decisions, which leads to negative outcomes in their lives. For example, drinking excessively can lead to legal troubles with a DUI. Or, you may have difficulties keeping a job due to hangovers in the morning. These personal and/or legal problems can result in a lot of depression, too. Obviously, as you face these situations, you will feel more down, thus compounding your problems and causing you to drink more. Before you know it, you are dealing with a vicious cycle of both depression and alcohol.

Co-Occurring Conditions

Depression and alcohol are co-occurring mental health conditions. In other words, they both occur simultaneously alongside each other. Because of this, it is beneficial to find a program that will address the underlying mental health problems that lead to substance abuse.

Co-occurring conditions often result from past trauma. Sometimes unresolved trauma from childhood can lead to people self-medicating. They use alcohol or other substances as a way to repress and numb the pain from the past. It helps them forget the past. However, self-medicating with alcohol creates another problem — alcohol use disorder.

By participating in a rigorous therapy program through a rehab facility, you will come to understand more about the root cause of your problems and learn the tools to overcome your past trauma without alcohol.

Find Peace At Encore Outpatient Services

At Encore Health Group, our outpatient services will help you discover a serene place to heal from the grip of addiction. Our compassionate staff will be right beside you as you walk on your journey to greater health and sobriety.

As you move forwards a future filled with peace, our team will be teaching you the skills necessary to be successful. At Encore, we strive to give you the tools to be successful in your quest to live a fulfilling life. Leave all the stress behind as you enter our treatment center. We will help you find a treatment program that identifies your needs and works for you.

Some of the treatments we offer include:

  • Partial hospitalization treatment program
  • Intensive outpatient treatment program
  • Trauma treatment program
  • Family treatment program
  • Co-occurring psychiatric treatment program

Contact us to get started creating a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs. Do not let addiction take over your life. Now that you know more about depression and alcohol, find healing at a quality rehab. Reach out to Encore Health Group and we will help you on your journey today.

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